Corban University

MSW Global / 2016-09-02 00:00:00

Corban University

Sepertinya, universitas ini memang dibangun berdekatan dengan hutan untuk semakin mengentalkan suasana religiusnya, Mates! Karena itulah, selama masa studinya, para mahasiswa Corban akan tinggal di asrama yang telah disediakan oleh kampus. Dari yang My Study World lihat di website resminya, kehidupan asramanya terlihat seru banget, Mates!

Late-night trips to Taco Bell. Friendly hall rivalries. Group study sessions. Dorm devotions. Deep conversations. Lighthearted laughter. These are just a few of the things you'll find as part of your life in a Corban residence hall.
Each hall has a Resident Assistant to provide support, accountability and conversation, and there's always a fellow student around to encourage you, laugh with you, and pray with you. Whether splitting a tray of nachos or helping each other study for tomorrow's history exam, Corban students are pulling for each other. This is the kind of community that results from eating, living, and studying with your neighbors, classmates, and family-away-from-home.

Oh, doesn’t it sounds so heartwarming, Mates? Ada persaingan antar asramanya juga, lho! Wah, udah kayak Hogwarts aja ya, Mates.
Karena agama dan spiritual adalah nafas utama kampus ini, Corban dilengkapi dengan gereja sendiri, dimana kamu bisa menikmati pelayanan malam atau sekedar mengunjungi Kapel Corban untuk sesi refleksi yang tenang.
Website resmi Corban University bisa kamu lihat disini: