School Name Description Total Student % Country
10th 11th 12th
SMA St Louis SMA St Louis is a best known Catholic high school located at Jl. Polisi istimewa 7 Surabaya 535 526 558 20% USA, Singapore, China, Australia, UK, Korea, Germany, Japan
Ciputra International School Ciputra International School is an international school and one of the most highly regarded IB World Schools in Indonesia. Located at Puri Widya Kencana, CitraLand , Surabaya 108 87 98 30% USA, Australia, Singapore
Cita Hati International Christian School Cita Hati is an international school with Cambridge curriculum. Located at Jl. Bukit Bali B3 No. 6, Citra Raya, Surabaya 111 123 108 20% Singapore, Australia, Malaysia, USA
IPH International School IPH is a Christian School with Cambridge curriculum located in the heart of Surabaya City, Indonesia 86 76 82 30% USA, Singapore
SMA Petra 2 SMA Petra 2 is a Catholic school. This school is considered as one of best schools in Surabaya. 108 87 96 20% Singapore, China
SMA Petra 3 SMA Petra 3 is the sister school of SMA Petra 2 98 112 104 20% Singapore, Taiwan, China, USA
SMA Frateran SMA Frateran is one of the Catholic high school, in Surabaya city founded by the Foundation Mardi Wiyata on August 13, 1963 . This foundation is the work of a group of Catholic monks. Located at Jl.Kepanjen, Surabaya 165 172 143 20% China, Taiwan, Singapore, USA, Australia
Masa Depan Cerah Christian School Masa Depan Cerah is a National plus school with International standard and Christian values in their study 123 117 110 20% USA, China, Singapore
SMA Negeri 2 Surabaya SMA Negeri 2 is one of the best public school in Surabaya 165 163 155 15% Malaysia, Singapore
SMA Santa Maria Surabaya SMA Santa Maria is Catholic school located in West Surabaya. Still has relationship with Santa Maria Jakarta 115 122 118 20% Singapore, Australia, USA
SMA Stella Maris SMA Stella Maris is a private school Catholic in Surabaya, which was established on January 25, 1967 by the Sisters of the Congregation of Our Lady of Amersfoort . This school is under the management of the Princess Dharma Society manages 40 schools in Indonesia 108 97 88 20% Singapore, Malaysia
SMA St Stanislaus SMA St Stanislaus is Catholic school in Surabaya which has national plus curriculum 106 122 123 10% Singapore
Surabaya Taipei School Surabaya Taipei School is an international school in Surabaya that Taiwan-based curriculum. The school stands in the cottage Maspion, Waru-Sidoarjo, in 1995. Initially the school is intended for Taiwanese children whose parents worked in Indonesia, particularly in the area of Sidoarjo 56 46 24 50% Taiwan, China
SMA Mimi SMA Mimi is a national plus school in Surabaya with Cambridge curriculum 62 56 64 20% Singapore, China
SMA St Carolus SMA St Carolus is a Catholic school based in West Surabaya 125 112 127 15% China, Malaysia, USA
SMA Gloria 2 SMA Gloria 2 is school owned by the church, making a solid institutional structures, ranging from the chairman of the foundation to the teaching staff, all of whom are united in a vision to provide academic education and Christian character is best for the children of Christian 116 127 118 30% Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, USA
Surabaya International School SIS founded in 1971 as a non-profit, English-medium, college preparatory school for foreign students under the sponsorship of the American Consulate. It was called the American Consulate School and began operation with 14 students 34 27 9 80% USA, Australia, Canada, UK
SMA St Agnes SMA St Agnes is Catholic school in East Surabaya 117 123 107 20% Singapore, Australia
SMA Vita SMA Vita is a national plus Christian school in Surabaya, dedicated to provide quality education and Christian values, from Play School to Senior High 45 42 56 50% China, Singapore, USA
Sophomore International School One of international schools in Surabaya with IB Curriculum 56 43 32 80% USA, Singapore, UK